The Best Way To Get Your Mortgage “Modified”
If you are finding yourself in a position where you are having trouble making your mortgage payments, you may be able to ask your borrower for a modification. A refinance is more advantageous but if you are ineligible due to inadequate income, a low FICO score, have little or no equity in your home or are behind in existing payments, a mortgage modification may help you. Here are some things to know as you begin the process:
- Answer all of the questions on the servicer’s questionnaire. If they do not get answers to all of their questions, they may decide not to help you based on the inadequate information they have received from you.
- Answer all of these question as accurately as possible. Many of these questionnaires are not borrower-friendly, so if you need help answering a question ask for it. The servicer could reject you based on not receiving enough information.
- Many servicers prefer you to fax all of your information to them, although some still accept it by mail.
- When you do fax information, make sure it gets to the right person by labeling each page that you fax with your name and mortgage number in bold at the top of each page.
- To avoid being overlooked for a “special program” such as “Fast Track Solution” and (MHA) program, be sure to include the reason why you believe you may be eligible in your hardship letter.
- Due to the large number of folks in need of mortgage help, the number of people hired to do these transactions has greatly increased over a very short period of time. Hence, these servicer employees are very likely newly trained and are doing much of the work manually. It can’t hurt to stay on top of them by calling them to follow-up on your loan.
For more information go to MHA program or for information on the ”Fast Track Solution” go to Wells Fargo.